Thursday 24 February 2011

The snowdrops are out

Maybe because of the harsh winter, but the snowdrops are looking magnificent this year. We have so many, over by the summer house and just outside the lounge window (see A real sign of spring. If you look closely in the foreground of the picture, you can also see the first crocuses just about to open.

Wednesday 9 February 2011

The days are becoming longer

It looks as if the worst of the winter is now over, although I suppose we shouldn't hold our breath just yet. But a good sign is that the length of the days is increasing - now it's becomes light at around 7am and is not dark until after 5pm. The temperatures are also much warmer, with scarcely a frost at night.

I'll shortly be able to post some photos of the snowdrops, which are poking their heads through in abundance outside the lounge window (see They're always a magnificent sight.